Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Iz a bb boy!

So I now have two wonderful boys in my life -- this little one and his dad. And I find it weird because I grew up without much male influence in my life, what with my dad dying when I was ten. I grew up in a family of four girls, my wonderful mother included. And it was fun, but essentially, I was kind of forced to be the "boy". Picking characters from Power Rangers? I'm the blue ranger! And now I'm thinking: How can I raise this little boy to be the best boy in the world? It's true what they say about motherhood -- you'd want to put everything within your child's reach without managing to spoil the wonder that he'd experience in discovering new things. I haven't even touched him yet but in a heartbeat, I'd lay my life down for him.

Now playing: Paper Kites - Halcyon